Overcome Anxiety, fear and worry

Identify the underlying cause of anxiety to build a positive relationship with yourself, become confident and create stronger social connections.

Explore my therapy

Individual & Family Therapy

Luke Lee Tet

Trauma Informed General Counselling

Our mental health is vital to living a fulfilled life. Luke provides a safe connected space that allows clients to regulate and breakthrough the challenges that hold them back from feeling connected, respected and emotionally intelligent.

General Counseling Services

Trauma Informed Youth Counselling

Through personalised sessions, Luke aims to build resilient, emotionally intelligent and connected young people through a trauma informed strengths-based approach.
Parent Counselling

Trauma Informed Parent Coaching

As parents are first responders and counsel for their children, Luke gives parents strategies to understand their children through a values and trauma informed approach.
Youth Counselling Services

Let’s chat about your concerns and challenges

I have both daytime and evening office hours available to answer any questions you may have. Please connect with me via my social media pages or my contact phone number.

Not sure about therapy and coaching?

Most Common Questions

Please explore the most common questions and concerns about my therapeutic approach.

Need a solution?

Explore My Online Learning Programs

Learn at your pace in your time! My online learning programs are based on the model I work with my clients – Trauma Informed Youth Counselling. These programs give you access to strategies you can implement right now that have immediate impact on your child’s anxiety and a framework to parenting.

Resilient Families Counselling

Resilient Families
Overcoming Childhood Behavioural Challenges

This is a 12-week parent coaching program designed to arm parents with the skills to be a mental health first responder by seeing behind the behaviour into the underlying cause.

Parent Counselling Services

Parent Hub

Join our FREE parent support Facebook group designed for parents to connect and learn from each other's experience.

Counselling & Coaching

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Luke for a free triage call

Get To Know Luke

Luke’s Approach To Therapy

Luke takes a person-centred strengths-based approach to his counselling.

The initial sessions focus on body-based regulation to allow clients the ability to self-manage their anxiety triggers. With each session running for 60-90 minutes, Luke gives time and space for clients to breakthrough the fear, worry and confusion they are experiencing which lifts their confidence to live a fulfilled life with connected and respectful relationships.

NDIS Counsellor-Luke Lee Tet

6 easy step

How My Therapy Works

Counselling Services

What Makes Luke Different?

Frequently Asked Questions

I offer face to face sessions with an online video conferencing option. As face to face is preferred, when we can’t make that work we have the option to have sessions on a private online conferencing service.

A trauma informed approach focuses on where the emotions and dysregulation lives. The body stores the anxiety we experience that then impacts different parts of the brain and can slow them down or turn them off. When our body is in a threat mode, we become highly reactive to our environment. My approach works with the body to calm it down giving young people access to the parts of their brain where they can shift their perspective and focus on what is most important to them.
Yes absolutely! Our sessions together can be structed in any way you find best for you. You are in full control.
Yes absolutely! I have found that without parent support children struggle to make shifts. Parents are first responders for their children and without an understanding parents can’t support their children.
Yes. To allow your child to make the shifts that they are looking for, involving their school is paramount. The aim would be to ensure your child’s school are able to support them and create a safe space. It’s an all-hands-on deck approach.
Each session runs for approximately 60 – 90 minutes. 45 minutes can be too short for most clients. With so much of the issues that clients need assistance with coming out at the end of the session, it was a no brainer to create more time. Luke’s focus is on allowing each client to feel better than they did when they walked in.
Luke suggests that clients commit to 2-3 fortnightly sessions to make an informed decision on whether his work is a good fit for you. The aim is to move to monthly sessions after the initial fortnightly sessions.

My services are not covered under mental health plans and is not covered by Medicare. Luke’s counselling is a private practice with card facilities available.

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Trauma Counselling

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